March 24, 2024

  • John 6:35
  • John 4:10
  • Luke 14:23-24

Pastor Gene’s sermon centers around the theme of sharing one’s story and inviting others to the table of the Lord. He begins by reminiscing about efforts to make a good impression when guests come over, likening it to the importance of making a good impression when sharing one’s faith. He emphasizes the significance of the table in the Bible, citing instances such as the Last Supper and Jesus dining with Zacchaeus.

The sermon stresses the importance of spiritual nourishment and growth, comparing it to physical hunger and thirst. He encourages attendees to embrace their spiritual hunger and seek fulfillment in God. He highlights Jesus as the bread of life and living water, emphasizing the importance of a personal relationship with Him.

The sermon urges believers to be mindful of newcomers and to create a welcoming environment in church. Pastor Gene emphasizes the need for spiritual maturity, moving from being a guest to actively serving and sharing the faith with others. He encourages attendees to move from the “high chair” of spiritual infancy to the “mature chair” of leadership and service.

Ultimately, the sermon emphasizes the joy and fulfillment found in bringing others to the table of the Lord, both in terms of salvation and spiritual growth. Pastor Gene then urges believers to share their faith, serve others, and actively participate in the mission of the church.