April 7, 2024

  • Romans 4:1-4
  • James 2:10
  • Romans 4:3
  • Romans 4:2
  • Romans 4:4
  • Isaiah 64:6
  • John 6:28
  • John 3:17

Today Pastor Gene starts a new series titled “Am I Really Saved?” which addresses one of the most common questions he receives as a pastor. He emphasizes the importance of understanding God’s grace as the foundation of this series, both for personal growth and for effectively sharing the gospel with others. He acknowledges the two extremes of legalism and hyper grace and aims to find a balanced biblical perspective.

He shares his experience of growing up in a fear-based Christianity, with the pressure of perfection and constantly seeking forgiveness for any wrongdoing. He contrasts this with the perspective of those who believe once saved, they can live however they please, which he terms “hyper grace.”

Pastor Gene emphasizes the importance of finding balance in understanding God’s grace and salvation. He delves into the concept of righteousness, explaining that it is not earned through one’s performance but is given freely through faith in Jesus Christ. He uses the example of Abraham’s faith as described in Romans 4 to illustrate this point.

He highlights that righteousness is about one’s position in God’s family rather than one’s performance. He emphasizes that God’s grace is freely given and cannot be earned through works. Pastor Gene encourages the congregation to believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah and surrender their lives to him.

Pastor Gene’s sermon centers on the importance of understanding and embracing God’s grace as the foundation of salvation, emphasizing faith in Jesus Christ rather than relying on one’s own efforts for righteousness.